Sunday, November 4, 2007

The Fall of Advertising- Worst Commercial Ever

There is a theory that states, "You can never underestimate your audience." Basically, it means that no matter how stupid you make something, it's impossible for it to be too stupid because someone out there will enjoy it no matter what. I offer this commercial as evidence that while something may seem unfathomably stupid, others will enjoy it:

Well, there you have a commercial that's stupid, pointless, unrelated to what's being advertised, and kinda gross. And yet, true to the theory, there are people out there who still enjoy it. How people can find a video of an actress farting in a car funny, i don't know, but they do.

Oh, and here's a fact that's even more revolting than the actual commercial: that fart is real, not edited in. That makes the commercial stupid on a whole new level, because apparently you can't underestimate the people who make commercials either. Although, it must have taken some effort and skill to find an actress who could fart that loud, plus be willing to do it in front of a camera, so I guess the commercial wasn't completely devoid of effort.

Also, in addition to proving the "Dumb Audience" theory, this is proof against all those stupid people who think that girls don't fart, or that when girls do fart it smells like cinnamon and roses, so despite being stupid and disgusting, it ironically proves two things.

Monkey-farm judgement: negative-2 out of five, because this commercial is below getting a zero., what did that actress eat? and do i really want to know?

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